Sunday, October 11, 2009

Filename Extensions Types

.$$$ :- Temporary file

.001 :- FAX

.1 :- A Unix nroff source file.

.1st :- Text Readme

.2gr :- A file that allows Windows to display text and graphics in standard mode- 286 or 386 computer

.301 :- Fax

.386 :- Swap file; enables computer running in enhanced mode to use Windows with virtual memory

.3ds :- Graphics (3D Studio)

.3gr :- A file that allows Windows to display text and graphics in standard mode- 386, 486, or Pentium computer

.411 :- Sony Mavica Data file

.4th :- Forth (language) source code

.8 :- A86 assembler source code file

.8med :- Amiga OcatMed music

.8svx :- Amiga 8-bit sound

.669 :- 669 MOD Music

.906 :- Calcomp plotter

.!im :- Multimedia image file.

._ad :- Multimedia audio file.

._au :- Multimedia audio file.

._im :- Multimedia image file.

.a :- Assembly Source Code

.a :- Unix library

.a :- Ada (language) source file

.a3l :- MacroMedia Authorware Windows Library

.a4m :- Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh file

.a4p :- Authorware file packaged without runtime

.a4w :- Unpackaged Authorware Windows file

.aam :- Authorware (Adobe) file

.aas :- Authorware (Adobe) file

.ab8 :- Datafile (ABStat)

.aba :- Address Book file (Palm)

.abf :- Adobe Binary Format

.abk :- AutoBackup (Corel Draw)

.abm :- PhotoPlus Album File

.abr :- Brush (Adobe Photoshop)

.abs :- MPEG sound file

.acd :- Sonic Foundry Acid sound file

.ace :- a compression file format for winace

.acf :- Agent Character File (Microsoft)

.acl :- Keyboard accelerator, Corel Draw

.acm :- Windows system directory file

.acmv :- Drivers for compressing or decompressing audio files, OS/2

.ad :- After Dark Screen Saver

.ada :- Ada source file

.add :- Adapter Driver (OS/2)

.adi :- Graphics (AutoCAD)

.adm :- AfterDark MultiModule

.adn :- Add-in (Lotus 1-2-3)

.adr :- AfterDark Randomizer

.ads :- Specification file type, Ada language

.afi :- Truevisiion bitmap graphic

.afm :- Adobe Font Metrics (Type 1)

.ag4 :- Access G4

.ai :- PostScript

.ai :- Adobe Illustrator subset of .EPS (vector graphics)

.aif :- Audio Interchange File Format or AIFF Sound

.aifc :- AIFF Sound Compressed

.aiff :- AIFF Sound

.air :- Adobe AIR Rich Internet applications

.air :- Flight Simulator Aircraft Performance Info File (Microsoft

.al :- ALAW Sound

.all :- Arts and Letters Library

.all :- General printer data (WordPerfect Win)

.alt :- Menu file (WordPerfect Win)

.ana :- underground text format; anarchy genre

.ani :- Animation

.ani :- Animated NeoChrome

.ans :- ANSI text, graphics

.apd :- Aldus Printer Description

.api :- Application Program Interface

.app :- MacroMedia Authorware package

.app :- Add-in application (Symphony)

.app :- Executable application

.arc :- Compressed file using PKARC

.arj :- A PC compressed format found on European sites

.arr :- Amber ARR Image

.art :- First Publisher

.art :- Art file, in draw or paint applications

.as :- ActionScript Source File

.asc :- ASCII text file

.asci :- ASCII Text

.ascii :- ASCII Text

.ascx :- ASP.NET user control file (Microsoft)

.asd :- Autosave file (Word for Windows)

.asf :- Windows Media (Active Streaming File)

.asf :- Screen Font (Lotus 1-2-3)

.asi :- Assembler include file

.asm :- Assembly language source

.asmx :- .NET Web Service file (Microsoft)

.asp :- Active Server Page (Microsoft)

.aspx :- ASP.NET file (Microsoft)

.ast :- Assistant file (Claris Works)

.asx :- Windows Media File

.atm :- Adobe Type Manager

.au :- A sound file format used on Sun Microsystems or other UNIX computers

.avi :- Audio Video Interleaved (AVI movie)

.avs :- Intel video capture format

.b64 :- Base 64, encoding format used by the MIME.

.bad :- Bad file (Oracle)

.bak :- Backup file

.bar :- UNIX BAR Archive

.bas :- BASIC source file

.bat :- Batch job (MS-DOS)

.bay :- DOS batch file

.bbs :- Bulletin Board System

.bcp :- Borland C++ makefile

.bcw :- Borland C++ environment settings

.bfc :- Briefcase document (Windows)

.bfm :- Font metrics - UNIX

.bga :- OS/2 Bitmap

.bib :- Bibliography (ASCII)

.bib :- BibTex

.bin :- Driver

.bin :- A MacBinary II+ encoded file

.binary :- Untyped Binary Data

.bk :- Backup file

.bk :- Faxbook (JetFax)

.bk! :- Backup file (WordPerfect Windows)

.bk$ :- Backup file

.bkf :- Backup file (Microsoft)

.blk :- Temporary file (WordPerfect Windows)

.bm :- Bitmap graphics file

.bmp :- Windows Bitmap

.bnk :- Sim City game file

.boo :- BOO Encoded File

.brx :- Browse Index (multimedia CD-ROMs)

.bst :- BibTex Style

.btm :- Batch file (Norton Utilities)

.bup :- Backup file

.buy :- Movie datafile

.bw :- SGI Image

.c :- C Source file

.c++ :- C++ source

.c00 :- Ventura Print file

.ca :- Cache data (root domain server)

.cab :- Microsoft compressed format

.cal :- Calendar or CALS

.cal :- Spreadsheet (SuperCalc)

.cap :- Caption (Ventura Publisher)

.cas :- Comma-delimted ASCII file

.cbl :- Cobol source file

.cbt :- Computer-Based Training; a tutorial file

.cc :- C++ source code file

.cch :- Corel chart

.ccm :- Lotus cc:Mail

.cct :- Director Shockwave file (Macromedia)

.cda :- CD Audio track

.cdr :- Vector graphics file (Corel Draw)

.cdt :- Corel Draw Data

.cdx :- Visual FoxPro database index

.cel :- Graphics (Autodesk Animator)

.cfb :- Comptons multimedia encyclopedia

.cfg :- Configuration file

.cfl :- Corel Flow

.cfm :- ColdFusion Markup language

.cgi :- Common Gateway Interface (script)

.cgm :- Graphics Meta file

.ch :- Clipper Header file

.chd :- Font Description

.chk :- Checkdisk (CHKDSK) Recovered file

.chk :- Temporary file (WordPerfect Windows)

.chl :- Configuration History Log

.chp :- Chapter file (Ventura)

.chr :- ASCII character file (MegaZeux)

.cif :- Chapter Information File (Ventura)

.cim :- Sim City file

.cit :- Intergraph scanned image

.ckb :- Keyboard mapping (Borland C++)

.cl :- Common LISP source file

.class :- CodeWarrior Class

.class :- Java Class File

.clp :- Windows Clipboard

.clp :- Clip art (Quattro Pro)

.cls :- C++ class definition file

.cmd :- file of commands, OS/2 batch file

.cmf :- Corel MetaFile

.cmf :- FM-music file (Creative Music File)

.cmf :- SoundBlaster file

.cmk :- Card (Card Shop Plus)

.cmp :- LEAD Technologies graphics

.cmv :- Apple Viewer file

.cmv :- CorelMove (animation)

.cmv :- Corel Presentation Exchange Image

.cmv :- Corel PhotoPaint Image

.cnc :- general program data

.cnf :- Configuration file

.cnq :- Compuworks Design Shop

.cnv :- data conversion support (Word for Windows)

.cnv :- Temporary file (WordPerfect Windows)

.cob :- COBOL source code

.cod :- Program compiled code (FORTRAN)

.col :- Spreadsheet (Microsoft Multiplan)

.com :- Command file, excutable, smaller version of .EXE (DOS)

.conf :- Configuration file

.cp :- C++ Source file

.cpe :- Fax Cover document

.cpl :- Code Page (DOS)

.cpl :- Control Panel (Windows)

.cpp :- C++ Source file

.cpr :- Knowledge Access graphics

.cpt :- Compact Pro compressed file

.cpx :- Corel Presentation Exchange compressed file

.cpz :- COMPOZ Music text file

.crd :- Windows Cardfile

.crp :- Encrypted database (dBASE IV)

.crs :- Conversion Resource (WordPerfect)

.crt :- Digital Certificate

.crt :- Oracle terminal settings information

.csc :- Corel Script

.csm :- Precompiled headers (Borland C++)

.css :- Cascading Style Sheet, Cascading StyleSheets

.csv :- Comma Separated Values text file (ASCII)

.csv :- Comma delimited, MS Excel

.ct :- Scitex-CT

.ctl :- Control file

.cty :- City file (SimCity)

.ctx :- Ciphertext file (PGP-RSA)

.cuf :- C Utilities Form (definition)

.cul :- Windows cursor library

.cur :- Windows cursor image

.cut :- Dr. Halo graphics

.cv :- Microsoft CodeView

.cvp :- Cover page (WinFax)

.cvs :- Canvas graphics file

.cwk :- Claris Works

.cws :- Claris Works Template

.cxx :- C++ source file (Zortech)

.dat :- Data file

.db :- Database file

.dbc :- Visual FoxPro database

.dbf :- Database file

.dbf :- FoxBase+ file

.dbg :- Symbolic debugging info (C/C++)

.dbk :- Database backup

.dbm :- Datafile

.dbo :- Compiled Program (dBase IV)

.dbs :- Database (SQL Windows)

.dbs :- Printer description

.dbt :- Database Text

.dbt :- Database memo file

.dbt :- Style Memo (FoxPro)

.dbw :- DataBoss Windows file

.dbx :- DATABEAM graphics

.dca :- IBM text

.dcf :- Disk image file

.dcp :- Data CodePage (OS2)

.dcr :- Shockwave file

.dcs :- Color Separation (CMYK) EPS

.dcs :- Datafile (ACT!)

.dct :- Database Dictionary

.dct :- Spell check dictionary

.dcx :- Bitmap graphics

.dcx :- PCX Images

.dd :- DiskDoubler compressed file

.ddb :- Bitmap graphics

.ddi :- Disk Doubler Image file

.ddi :- Diskdupe Image file

.ddp :- Device Driver Profile (OS2)

.deb :- Debug script (DOS)

.def :- Definition (C++)

.dem :- Demonstration

.der :- Certificate

.dev :- Device driver file

.dfv :- Printing form (Word)

.dg :- Autotrol graphics

.dgn :- Intergraph graphics

.dgs :- Diagnostics

.dht :- Datafile

.dia :- Diagraph graphics

.dib :- Device-independent bitmap graphics

.dic :- Dictionary (MS Word Custom Dictionary)

.dif :- Database (VisiCalc)

.dif :- Data Interchange Format (spreadsheet)

.dip :- Graphics

.dir :- Directory file (VAX)

.dir :- Movie file (Shockwave)

.dir :- Movie file (Director)

.dis :- Distribution file (VAX)

.dis :- Thesaurus (Corel)

.diz :- BBS Descriptive file

.dkb :- Raytraced graphics

.dld :- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)

.dl :- DL Animation

.dll :- Dynamic Link Library (Windows DLL)

.dll :- Export/import (CorelDRAW)

.dls :- Disklock Setup (Norton)

.dmg :- Disk Image (Mac OS X)

.dmo :- Demo

.dmp :- Dump file

.dms :- Compressed file archive (Diskmasher/Amiga)

.dng :- Digital negative format (open standard)

.doc :- Document (ASCII or MS Word)

.dos :- Network driver

.dos :- Text file for DOS

.dot :- Word for Windows Template

.dot :- Line type definition (CorelDRAW)

.dox :- MultiMate document

.doz :- Description Out Zip

.dp :- Calendar (Daily Planner)

.dpi :- Dots Per Inch (graphics)

.dpr :- Delphi project file (C++)

.dqy :- Excel Database Query

.drs :- Display Resource (WordPerfect)

.drv :- Device driver (printer)

.drw :- Graphics file (Micrografx)

.ds4 :- Designer graphics, version 4

.dsc :- Discard file (Oracle)

.dsd :- Database (DataShaper)

.dsk :- Project desktop file (Borland C++)

.dsf :- Designer graphics, version 6

.dsm :- Digital Sound Module

.dsn :- Design

.dsr :- Driver Resource (WordPerfect)

.dss :- Sound file (Digital Soup)

.dsw :- Desktop Settings (Borland C++)

.dta :- Data file

.dtd :- Document Type Definition (SGML)

.dtf :- Database file (PFS)

.dv :- DV Video

.dvc :- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)

.dvi :- TeX DVI document

.dvi :- Device Independent document

.dvi :- Full-motion video file (Micrografx)

.dvp :- Device Paramater file (AutoCAD)

.dw2 :- Drawing (DesignCAD)

.dwc :- Compressed file archive (DWC)

.dwf :- Drawing Web Format (Autodesk Whip! Viewer and Volo View)

.dwg :- Drawing file (AutoCAD)

.dx :- Text file (DEC)

.dx :- Document Imaging

.dxf :- Drawing Interchange File Format (AutoCAD 3D)

.dxr :- Shockwave Movie

.dyn :- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)

.ebj :- Error checking object file

.ed5 :- EDMICS graphics

.edt :- Default Settings (VAX editor)

.eeb :- Equation Editor button bar (WordPerfect Windows)

.efx :- Fax (Everex)

.ega :- Display font (Ventura Publisher)

.el :- Elisp source file (Emacs lisp)

.elc :- Compiled Elisp code (Emacs lisp)

.elm :- Microsoft Theme

.emf :- Enhanced Metafile

.emf :- E-mail file

.eml :- Electronic Mail (Outlook Express)

.ems :- Enhanced Menu System Config (PC Tools)

.emu :- Terminal emulation data

.enc :- Encoded file (UUENCODE)

.enc :- Music (Encore)

.end :- Arrow-head definition file (CorelDRAW)

.env :- Environment file (WordPerfect Windows)

.eps :- Encapsulated PostScript (vector graphics)

.eps :- Printer font (Ventura Publisher)

.epsf :- Encapsulated PostScript File

.eqn :- Equation (WordPerfect Windows)

.err :- Error Messge/Log

.esh :- Extended Shell batch file

.esi :- Esri plot file

.etx :- SEText

.evt :- Event log

.evy :- Document (WordPerfect Envoy)

.exe :- Executable file (MS-DOS)

.ext :- Extension file (Norton)

.f :- Fortran source file

.f01 :- Fax

.f06-16 :- Screen text font, 6-16 pixels (DOS)

.f77 :- Fortran 77 source file

.f96 :- Frecom FAX96

.faq :- Frequently asked questions

.fax :- Fax file (raster graphics)

.fc :- Dictionary (Harvard Graphics)

.fd :- Fortran Declaration file (Microsoft)

.fdf :- Acrobat Forms Data Format

.fdx :- Force Index

.ffl :- Fast Find File (Microsoft)

.fh3-4 :- Freehand 3-4 (vector graphics)

.fi :- Fortran Interface file

.fif :- Fractal Image format

.fil :- Files list object file (dBASE)

.fil :- Overlay (WordPerfect)

.fit :- File Index Table (WindowsNT)

.fit :- Flexible Image Transport

.fix :- Patch file

.fky :- Macro file (FoxPro)

.flc :- Animation file (Autodesk, FLIC)

.fld :- Thumbnail folder (Hijaak)

.fli :- Animation file (Autodesk)

.flo :- Micrografx FlowCharter

.flr :- Live3D

.flt :- Filter (graphic conversion)

.fm :- Framemaker

.fm :- FileMaker Pro Database

.fm3 :- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 v3)

.fm3 :- Device driver (Harvard Graphics)

.fmB :- File Manager Button bar (WordPerfect Windows)

.fmk :- Fortran Makefile

.fmo :- Compiled format file (dBASE)

.fmt :- Format (dBASE)

.fmt :- Screen format

.fnc :- Frogans Network Certificate

.fnt :- Font file

.fO1-02 :- Font file (Borland)

.fog :- Fontographer font

.fon :- Bitmapped Font (Windows)

.fon :- Phone file

.for :- FORTRAN source code

.fot :- Windows TrueType font

.fox :- FoxBase

.fp :- FileMaker Pro

.fp1 :- Flying Pigs

.fp3-5 :- FileMaker v3-5

.fpc :- FoxPro Catalog

.fpt :- FoxPro Memo

.fpx :- FlashPix bitmap

.frf :- Font (FontMonger)

.frm :- Report form file (dBASE, VisualBasic)

.frs :- WordPerfect Graphics Driver

.frt :- Report memo (FoxPro)

.frx :- Report (FoxPro)

.fsl :- Form (Paradox)

.fsx :- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)

.ftm :- Font (Micrografx)

.fts :- Flexible Image Transport

.fw :- Database (Framework)

.fxp :- Compiled format (FoxPro)

.fxs :- Fax Transmit Format (WinFax)

.g4 :- GTX RasterCAD

.gbl :- Global definitions

.gc1 :- Lisp Source code

.gca :- GOCA graphics

.gcd :- Graphics file

.gcf :- Graphing Calculator file

.gdf :- Dictionary file

.ged :- Arts & Letters graphics

.ged :- Graphics Editor

.gem :- GEM Metafile

.gem :- Vector Graphics file (Ventura)

.gen :- Compiled template (dBASE)

.gen :- Generated text (Ventura)

.gep :- Geode

.geo :- VideoScope

.gib :- Graph-in-the-Box Chart

.gif :- Graphics Interchange Format bitmap (CompuServe)

.giw :- Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box)

.gl :- GL Animation

.gly :- Glossary

.gp3 :- CCITT compressed Group 3-4 TIFF file

.gph :- .Graph (Lotus 1-2-3)

.gr2 :- .Screen driver (Windows 3.x)

.gra :- Microsoft Graph

.grn :- Ms-DOS Shell Monitor file

.grf :- Graphic file (Micrografx)

.grp :- Group definition (Windows)

.grp :- Pictures Group

.gs1 :- Presentation

.gsd :- Vector graphics (Professional Draw)

.gsw :- GraphShow Worksheet

.gx1 :- Show Partner graphics

.gxl :- Graphics Library

.gz :- Unix file compuressed by GZIP

.h :- C Header

.h :- C Include file

.h++ :- Header - C++

.ha :- HA Compressed file

.hac :- underground text format; hacking genre

.hcom :- SoundEdit Sound ex SOX

.hdf :- Hierarchical Data File

.hdf :- Help file

.hdr :- Datafile

.hdr :- Message header text

.hdw :- Harvard Draw Vector graphics

.hdx :- Help index (AutoCAD - Zortech C++)

.hed :- HighEdit document

.hel :- Microsoft Hellbender game file

.hex :- Hex dump

.hfi :- HP font info

.hgl :- HP Graphics Language

.hh :- C++ header

.hhh :- Precompiled header

.hhp :- Help Information

.hlb :- Help Library (VAX)

.hlp :- Help file (Windows)

.hlx :- Hyper link extension

.hof :- Hall Of Fame (game scores)

.hp :- C Include file

.hpf :- HP LaserJet fonts

.hpg :- HPGL plotter file vector graphics (AutoCad,Harvard. Graphics)

.hpgl :- HP GL/2

.hpi :- Font information file

.hpj :- Help Project (Visual Basic)

.hpk :- HPACK compressed file

.hpl :- HP Graphics

.hpm :- Emm text (HP NewWave)

.hpp :- C++ header file

.hpp :- C include file

.hqx :- BinHexed Compressed Macintosh file.

.hrf :- Graphics file

.hsi :- Graphics file (Handmade Software)

.hst :- History file

.hst :- Host

.ht :- HyperTerminal

.htm :- HyperText

.htm :- DOS filename extension for HTML document

.html :- Hypertext Markup Language

.htx :- Hypertext file

.hum :- underground text format; humor genre

.hwd :- Presentation file (Hollywood)

.hwp :- Hangul Word Processor

.hxx :- C++ header file

.hy1-2 :- Hyphenation algorithms (Ventura)

.hyc :- Hyphenation (WordPerfect)

.hyp :- Hyphenation dictionary

.hyp :- HYPER compressed file archive

.i :- Intermediate file (C++)

.i3 :- Modula 3 Interface

.iax :- Bitmap graphics (IBM)

.ic1-3 :- Atari Image

.ica :- Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture)

.icb :- Targa bitmap graphics

.icl :- Icon Library

.icm :- Image Colour Matching

.icn :- Icon source file

.ico :- Icon file (Windows)

.icon :- Sun icon and cursor

.id :- Disk identification file

.idd :- Instrument Definition (MIDI)

.ide :- Integrated Development Environment configuration

.ide :- Project (C++)

.idw :- Vector graphics

.idx :- Index

.ief :- IEF Image

.ifd :- Form (JetForm)

.iff :- Interchange File Format (Amiga Image)

.iff :- Image File Format (Sun TAAC)

.ifo :- Graphics objects (ImageForge)

.ifs :- System file (OS/2)

.igf :- Inset Systems graphics (Hijaak)

.iif :- Interchange File (QuickBooks)

.il :- Icon library

.ilbm :- Amiga ILBM Image

.im8 :- Raster graphics (Sun)

.ima :- Vector graphics (Mirage)

.ima :- WinImage compressed format

.image :- DiskCopy Disk Image (Macintosh)

.img :- ImageForge/IconForge file

.img :- Mac disk image

.img :- Bitmap graphics (Ventura)

.img :- High-resolution scanned image file

.img :- GEM bit image/XIMG

.img :- KONTRON Image

.imp :- Spreadsheet (Lotus)

.imq :- Image Presentation

.in3 :- Input device driver (Harvard Graphics)

.inc :- Include file

.ind :- Index (dBASE)

.indd :- Adobe InDesign Document

.indt :- Adobe InDesign template file

.inf :- Information file

.inf :- Information file Type 1 LaserJet font

.inf :- Information file (ASCII)

.inf :- Install script

.ini :- Initialization file

.ini :- Windows INI file

.ink :- Pantone reference file (CorelDRAW)

.ins :- Data (WordPerfect)

.ins :- Installation script

.int :- Borland Interface

.inx :- Index (Foxbase)

.iob :- Imagine file

.ioc :- Organizational chart

.ipl :- Pantone Spot reference palette

.irs :- Resource (WordPerfect)

.isd :- Spell checker dictionary

.iso :- ISO-9660 table

.isu :- Netscape file

.it :- MOD music file format

.itl :- iTools Commands

.iw :- Idlewild screensaver

.iwa :- Text file (IBM)

.iwp :- Text file (Wang)

.ix :- Index file (FrameMaker)

.jar :- Java classes

.jax :- Graphics

.jav :- Java source file

.java :- Java source code

.jbx :- Project file

.jet :- Fax (JetFax)

.jff :- JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format

.jfif :- JFIF Image

.jif :- JPEG image format

.jpe :- JPEG bitmap file

.jpeg :- JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

.jpg :- JPEG image file

.jpp :- x-java-print

.js :- JavaScript

.jtf :- JPEG bitmap file

.kar :- MIDI Sound

.kdc :- Kodak Photo-Enhancer

.kfx :- Kofax

.lar :- Liquid Registration

.lasso :- Lasso web format file (Blue World Communications).

.latex :- Latex

.lav :- Liquid Voucher

.lav :- Liquid Secure Voucher

.lbl :- Label description (dBASE)

.lbm :- Deluxe Paint graphics file

.lbm :- Amiga IFF Image

.ldb :- Lock file (Microsoft Access)

.leg :- Legacy document

.lha :- PC/Amiga compression format

.lha :- LHArch Archive

.lhs :- Literate Haskell source file

.lhx :- LHA compression file

.lib :- Library

.lic :- License file (usually shareware)

.log :- Log of installations or usage

.lst :- List

.ltf :- Frogans Short-cut

.lwp :- Lotus Word Pro

.lzh :- LHArc Archive

.lzs :- PC/Amiga compression format

.m1a :- MPEG-1 audiostream

.m1s :- MPEG-1 systemstream

.m1v :- MPEG-1 IPB videostream

.m15 :- MPEG videostream

.m2 :- Modula 2 Source Code

.m2v :- MPEG-2 IPB videostream

.m3 :- Modula 3 Source Code

.m3u :- MP3 PlayLists

.m75 :- MPEG file

.mac :- Mac Paint (PICT picture)

.maf :- Microsoft Access Form

.mak :- Makefile (VisualBasic, etc)

.mam :- Microsoft Access Macro

.map :- Map - linkage editor

.maq :- Microsoft Access Query

.mar :- Microsoft Access Report

.mat :- Microsoft Access Table

.max :- Paperport scanner-generated image file

.mbx :- Message Base (Eudora)

.mcs :- MathCAD format

.mcw :- Microsoft Word for Macintosh

.mdb :- Database file (MS Access)

.mdf :- Microsoft SQL server database file

.mdx :- Multi-index

.me :- READ.ME text file

.med :- Amiga MED Sound

.met :- Metafile format

.meu :- DOS shell menu

.mf :- MetaFont document

.mff :- MIDI file format

.mgf :- Micrografx Draw Font

.mi :- Miscellaneous

.mic :- Microsoft Image Composer

.mid :- MIDI digitized music file

.mif :- FrameMaker MIF

.miff :- ImageMagick file format

.mil :- Group 4

.ml :- ML Source

.mime :- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (Message)

.mix :- Microsoft PictureIt!

.ml :- ML Source Code

.mme :- Mime encoded file

.mmf :- Microsoft Mail File

.mmm :- Macromind animation

.mod :- MOD Music file format

.mol :- MDL Molfile

.mov :- Movie file (Apple QuickTime)

.moov :- Movie file (Apple QuickTime)

.moz :- Mozilla Netscape cache file

.mp2 :- MPEG-1 audiostream; MPEG-1 Layer 2

.mp3 :- Sound file; MPEG-1 Layer 3

.mpa :- MPEG-1 audiostream

.mpe :- MPEG Movie file

.mpeg :- MPEG Movie (Moving Pictures Experts Group)

.mpeg4 :- MPEG Movie (high quality, esp for wireless)

.mpg :- Encoded MPEG file

.mpkg :- meta package, a group of .pkg files

.mpm :- MPEG file

.mpnt :- Macintosh MacPaint

.mpp :- Microsoft Project project file

.mpt :- Microsoft Project template file

.mpv :- MPEG file

.mpx :- Microsoft Project export file

.mrk :- Markup (Informative Graphics)

.msg :- Message file

.msi :- Microsoft Installer file

.msn :- Microsoft Network document

.msp :- Microsoft Paint

.mtm :- MultiMOD Music

.mus :- Music file

.mvb :- Microsoft Multimedia Viewer

.mw :- MacWrite II document

.mwii :- MacWrite II document

.mxi :- Extension Information

.mxp :- Extension Package

.mys :- Myst saved game file

.ndx :- Index file (dBASE)

.neo :- Atari NeoChrome

.netopia :- Application Netopia

.net :- Network file

.nfo :- Info Text

.ng :- Norton Guides

.nlm :- NLM program (NetWare)

.note :- WordPerfect Help document

.nsl :- Network Services

.nsp :- Application x-nvo

.nst :- MOD Music

.ntf :- Notes Template File (Lotus Notes)

.oab :- Outlook Address Book (Microsoft)

.oaz :- OAZ Fax

.obd :- Microsoft Office Binder

.obj :- Object (DOS/Windows)

.ocx :- Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)

.oda :- ODA document

.oga :- audio files Xiph.Org

.ogx :- Ogg Vorbis Multiplex Profile (audio) Xiph.Org

.okt :- Oktalyser MOD Music

.olb :- OLE Object Library

.old :- a file that is now obsolete replaced by an upgraded or modified file.

.ole :- OLE object (Object Linking and Embedding)

.onx :- Onyx Graphics Postershop

.ori :- Original

.otf :- OpenType Font

.out :- Output file

.ovl :- Program overlay file (DOS/Windows)

.ovr :- Overlay module

.p :- Pascal source code file

.p10 :- Tektronix Plot10

.pac :- Atari STAD Image

.pab :- Personal Address Book (Microsoft Outlook)

.pak :- Quake game data

.pak :- PAK compressed file archive

.pal :- Paintbrush palette

.pan :- Printer-specific file

.pas :- Pascal program file

.pat :- Pattern (Corel Draw)

.pat :- Hatch patterns (AutoCAD)

.pb1 :- Document (First Publisher)

.pba :- Powerbasic BASIC source code

.pbd :- PowerBuilder runtime/compiled file

.pbi :- Powerbasic include file

.pbl :- Powerbasic library

.pbl :- PowerBuilder source code

.pbk :- Microsoft Phonebook

.pbm :- Portable Bitmap

.pbo :- Profiler Binary Output

.pbt :- Profiler Binary Table

.pc1-2-3 :- Atari Degas Image

.pcd :- Bitmap graphics file (Photo CD format)

.pcl :- HP LaserJet

.pcm :- HP LaserJet cartridge information

.pcs :- PICS animation

.pct :- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT bitmap graphics format

.pct :- PC Paint

.pcw :- PC Write

.pcx :- PC Paintbrush

.pcx :- Graphics file (ZSoft format)

.pdb :- Palm database

.pdd :- Photo Deluxe Document (Adobe)

.pdf :- Portable Document Format (Acrobat)

.pdg :- PrintShop Deluxe

.pdv :- PC Paintbrush printer driver

.pfa :- Type 1 font (ASCII)

.pfb :- Type 1 font (encrypted)

.pfm :- Postscript Font Metrics; Windows Type 1 font metrics

.pgl :- HPGL 7475A plotter (vector graphics)

.pgm :- Portable Gray Map (bitmap)

.phtml :- HTML document with preprocessing instructions (PPIs)

.pic :- Picture file (Macintosh PICT)

.pict :- Picture file (Macintosh PICT)

.pif :- Program Informaton file

.pit :- PackIt (Mac compression)

.pix :- Inset Systems graphics

.pjx :- Project file (Visual FoxPro)

.pkg :- AppleLink Package compression format

.pl :- Perl Source Code

.plt :- Plotter drawing, HP GL/2

.pm :- Bitmap From XV

.pm :- Page Layout file (PageMaker)

.pm3-4-5 :- Page Layout file (PageMaker v3,v4,v5)

.png :- Portable Network Graphic (bitmap)

.png :- Paint Shop Pro Browser

.pntg :- MacPaint Graphic

.pov :- Persistence Of Vision raytracer

.ppa :- PowerPoint Add-in (Microsoft)

.ppd :- Printer Description File

.ppd :- PostScript Printer Description

.ppm :- Portable Pixelmap

.ppp :- PagePlus document

.pps :- PowerPoint Slideshow

.ppt :- PowerPoint Presentation

.ppx :- PagePlus template

.prc :- Palm Resource Code (Application)

.prd :- Printer driver file (MS Word)

.prg :- Procedure or program file

.prj :- Project file

.prn :- Printer Output file (temporary)

.prn :- PostScript file

.prs :- Printer file (WordPerfect)

.prt :- Formatted text

.ps :- PostScript (Page description file)

.psd :- Photoshop file

.pst :- MS Outlook personal folder

.pt4-5 :- PageMaker Template

.pub :- Publication (Ventura, MS)

.pwd :- Pocket Word document (Microsoft)

.pwz :- PowerPoint Wizard (Microsoft)

.pxl :- Pocket Excel (Microsoft)

.pxr :- Pixar Image

.qbw :- QuickBooks - Windows

.qbb :- QuickBooks backup file

.qdk :- Quarterdeck Qemm

.qdv :- QDV Image

.qlb :- Quick Library

.qlc :- ATM font information

.qry :- Microsoft Query

.qt :- QuickTime movie

.qtm :- QuickTime movie

.qxd :- QuarkXPress document

.qxl :- QuarkXPress Library file

.qxt :- QuarkXPress Template

.r8l :- LaserJet landscape font

.r8p :- LaserJet portrait font

.ra :- RealAudio Player - sound or multimedia file

.ram :- RealAudio Player

.rm :- RealAudio Player

.rar :- WinRAR compressed file

.ras :- Raster graphics (Sun)

.raw :- Raw Image file (bitmap)

.rc :- run commands (Unix)

.readme :- Text Readme

.rec :- Windows Recorder macro file

.reg :- Registration file

.rep :- Report file

.rft :- RFT-DCA - Revisable-Form Text (RFT), part of IBM's Document Content
Architecture (DCA)

.rgb :- RGB image (SGI- Silicon Graphics) - Red Green Blue

.rgba :- RGB image (SGI)

.ria :- Alpharel Group IV raster graphics

.rib :- Renderman 3D Data

.ric :- Roch FaxNet

.rif :- Painter bitmap

.riff :- Resource Interchange File Format (graphic/multimedia)

.rla :- Wavefront raster image

.rlc :- CAD Overlay ESP (Image Systems)

.rle :- Run Length Encoded (compressed bitmap file)

.rmi :- RIFF MIDI file

.rme :- Text Readme

.rmp :- Niku Portfolio Manager

.rnd :- AutoShade format

.rnl :- GTX Runlength raster graphics

.rpl :- Replica file

.rpt :- Report file

.rsc :- Resource file

.rsrc :- Resource file

.rtf :- Rich Text Format

.rtx :- Rich Text Format

.rwv :- Niku Portfolio Manage

.s :- Assembly language file (Unix)

.s3m :- ScreamTracker 3 MOD music file

.sam :- AmiPro file

.sam :- Symantec Anti-Virus

.sav :- Saved file (games etc)

.sbp :- IBM Storyboard graphics

.sc :- Source Code (Paradox)

.scc :- MSX Picture

.scg :- ColoRIX

.sci :- ColoRIX

.scp :- ColoRIX

.scr :- ColoRIX

.scm :- ScreenCam Movie

.scp :- Dial-up networking script

.scr :- AutoCAD Script File Extension

.scr :- Screensaver (Windows)

.scr :- Screen Layout (dBASE)

.scrn :- StartupScreen Format Graphic

.sct :- Screen Capture Text (Lotus)

.scu :- ColoRIX

.sdl :- SmartDraw Library

.sea :- Self-Extracting Archive (Stuffit or Compact Pro)

.seg :- Segment (of a compressed file saved in segments)

.sep :- TIFF bitmap

.set :- Setup parameters

.sf :- IRCAM Sound

.sf2 :- SoundBank file

.sfl :- LaserJet landscape font

.sgi :- SGI Image; Silicon Graphics IRIS Graphic File (Silicon Graphics, Inc.)

.sfp :- LaserJet portrait font

.sfs :- PCL 5 scalable font

.sha :- UNIX shell archive

.shar :- UNIX shell archive

.shp :- Printmaster Icon Library

.shtml :- HTML file with embedded server-side includes (SSI)

.si :- SoftImage image file

.sig :- Signature file

.sit :- StuffIt Archive (Macintosh)

.sithqx :- BinHexed StuffIt Archive (Macintosh)

.six :- SIXEL Image

.sld :- Slide format file (AutoCAD)

.slk :- Symbolic Link (SYLK) spreadsheet

.smi :- self-mounting Disk Copy compressed image

.snd :- Sound file

.snm :- Netscape mail

.spc :- Atari Spectrum 512

.spd :- Speedo scalable font

.spl :- FutureSplash Player file

.sqb :- SyQuest Backup

.sr :- Sun Raster Image

.src :- Used with .INI files for configuration settings

.sty :- Style sheet file (Ventura)

.sun :- Sun Raster Image

.sup :- Startup Screen

.svx :- Amiga 8SVX IFF sound

.swd :- Schoolwide Database file

.swf :- Shockwave Flash file

.swp :- Swap - temporary file

.syd :- Sysedit backup file

.syk :- SYLK spreadsheet format

.sylk :- SYLK spreadsheet format

.sys :- System file

.tal :- Adobe Type Align

.tar :- Tape ARchive (UNIX)

.tar.gz :- Combined filename extension for a file that has been archived using
tar and then gzipped.

.tar.z :- Combined filename extension for a file that has been archived using
tar and then zipped.

.targa :- Truevision Archive

.taz :- Compressed Tape Archive

.taz :- Another way of writing .tar.z

.tbk :- Asymetrix Toolbook

.tdf :- Typeface definition (Speedo)

.tex :- TeX or LaTex document

.texi :- TeX document

.texinf :- TeX document

.text :- ASCII Text

.tfm :- Font metrics (Intellifont)

.tga :- TARGA graphics file

.tga :- Truevision Image

.tgz :- Gnu ZIPped Taped Archive (same as .tar.z and .tar.gz)

.thn :- Thumbnail

.tif :- Tagged Image File format (graphics)

.tiff :- Tagged Image File Format (graphics)

.tlb :- OLE Type Library

.tmp :- Temporary file

.tny :- Atari TINY Bitmap

.toc :- Table Of Contents file

.tps :- Topspeed data file

.trm :- Terminal settings

.tsv :- Tab Separated Values File

.ttc :- TrueType Compressed -font file

.ttf :- TrueType Font file

.tx8 :- 8-bit MS-DOS text file

.txt :- ASCII Text file

.ul :- µlaw Sound

.url :- URL Bookmark

.usb :- Universal Serial Bus

.usl :- LaserJet landscape font

.usp :- LaserJet portrait font

.uu :- UUEncode compressed file

.uud :- UUEncode file

.uue :- UUEncode file

.vbp :- Visual Basic Project

.vbs :- Visual Basic Script

.vbx :- Visual Basic Extension

.vcd :- Video CD (Compact Disc)

.vda :- Targa bitmap

.vff :- DESR VFF Greyscale Image

.vga :- OS/2 Bitmap

.vgr :- Chapter file (Ventura)

.vid :- Multimedia image file

.vir :- Underground text format; virus genre

.viff :- Khoros Visualization image file

.vlb :- Ventura Library

.voc :- Sound file

.vp :- Ventura Publisher file

.vsd :- Microsoft Visio Drawing

.vst :- Targa bitmap

.vue :- Relational View (dBASE)

.vxd :- Virtual Device Driver

.w51 :- WordPerfect PC 5.1 document

.wab :- Windows Address Book

.wav :- Windows WAV Sound file

.wbk :- Microsoft Word Backup

.wdb :- Microsoft Works Database

.wid :- Ventura width table

.win :- Windows backup file

.wiz :- Microsoft Word Wizard

.wk1 :- Lotus 1-2-3, up to 2.01

.wk4 :- Lotus 1-2-3 version 4

.wkq :- Quattro spreadsheet

.wks :- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3, MS Works)

.wlr :- VRML file

.wmf :- Windows Metafile

.wp :- WordPerfect PC document

.wp4-6 :- WordPerfect PC document

.wpd :- WordPerfect Document

.wpd :- Windows Printer Description

.wpg :- WordPerfect Graphic

.wpm :- WordPerfect Macro

.wps :- Word processor file (MS Works)

.wpt :- WordPerfect Template

.wri :- MSWrite Windows file

.wrk :- Symphony spreadsheet

.ws1-7 :- WordStar for Windows 1-7

.wve :- PSION Sound

.wvl :- Wavelet compressed bitmap

.x :- AVS X image file

.x10-11 :- X-Windows Dump

.xar :- Corel Xara drawing

.xbm :- X-Windows Bitmap

.xfx :- JetFax

.xif :- Xerox Image Format

.xl :- Excel Spreadsheet

.xlc :- Excel Chart

.xlk :- Excel backup

.xlm :- Excel macro

.xls :- Excel Spreadsheet

.xlt :- Excel Template

.xlw :- Excel Workspace

.xm :- FastTracker MOD music format

.xpm :- X-Windows Pixelmap

.xwd :- X-Windows Dump

.xwo :- X-Windows System window dump image

.xxe :- Xxencoded file

.yal :- Arts & Letters click art

.Z :- UNIX Compress Archive

.z :- UNIX GZIP Archive

.zip :- PZIP (PC ZIP) compressed archive file

.zoo :- Zoo Archive

.zts :- Z-Term Script

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